In today's blog post, we will be introducing a unique project of ours that's been on hold for some time. This farm, purchased by my dad around six years ago, came with a cabin and a decent size building. At the start, the cabin was nothing more than a shell. Initially, I began working on the plumbing and installing radiant heating. We had concrete poured around the structure, but then I put this project on hold when I started building my house. However,I am now returning to this project to get some more work done.
This place has great potential and I want to ensure it's done right. We want to use it for hunting and recreation,but it need some work before we can use it for that. The main problem is that the windows were not flashed properly during the initial construction. I want to use this as an example to illustrate what can happen when post-frame buildings are not correctly sealed around doors and windows. Over time, water has seeped in, causing damage and rot.
My plan is to remove the exterior steel cladding, make necessary repairs, wrap it with Tyvek, and replace all the windows. I'll repurpose the existing ones for a different project since they aren't of the best quality. Once that's done, we'll proceed with the interior work. I've drawn up plans for the space, which will include two bedrooms and a single bathroom. One bedroom will be one the far end, the bathroom in the middle, and another bedroom on the other side. The remaining space will be open, featuring a kitchen in one corner. I'll remove this window and replace it with a six-foot sliding door. Additionally, we'll install a wood stove to make this place even more inviting.

We have all the necessary materials, from lumber to windows and house wrap. The plan is to insulate the interior with spray foam, and we'll document the process as we move forward. Underneath the concrete floor, there's two-inch polystyrene insulation, and around the sides, there's six-mil polyethylene. We've also run water lines for the bathrooms and the kitchen. Our main water line comes in through this pipe, and we've included in-floor radiant heating.
This concrete floor, despite being a bit dirty right now, consists of three by three squares cut at an angle. My dad grouted them, and he sealed the floor with polyurethane. I believe you'll find this project intriguing, as it's a unique and exciting space. We plan to use it for a variety of recreational activities, from riding four-wheelers to bow hunting. There's a good sized pond nearby that we intend to enhance, making this a truly versatile location. We plan to clear the trees to allow a view of the pond from the cabin.

We'll provide plans for the 40 by 30 building (a 1,200 square foot space) with a wrap-around porch. One challenge we need to address is the lack of overhangs on this building. We usually include overhangs to improve ventilation, but we'll work around that by adding gable vents on each end. Outside, the columns are nine feet on center and are laminated. While I typically prefer not to have columns in the ground, this structure is situated on elevated ground and is well-sloped, which compensates for the column placement.
My dad and I also added skirting underneath the structure to protect the grade board. It enhances the appearance by matching the building's color and providing protection to the wood. The porch wraps around, creating a cozy atmosphere. We have many exciting things in the works and will continue to document our progress on this family project.
Thank you,
MR Post Frame

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