Someday we'll have a big fancy post and video all about the drop zone/mudroom inside the house. I have a vision of beautiful cabinetry, charging stations, benches, and lots of organization. Having a spot for all of the day to day stuff was really important when we designed this house. Being organized has been key to our survival through many moves and crazy living situations.
Before we can get to the awesome, dreamy part, I want to share what's getting us by. Paul built a coat rack out of leftover materials from the house... literally! So this doesn't have to be expensive or even require a trip to the store. Just a couple of 2x4's, some plywood scraps, and a copper pipe. Yeah, that part might be a little fancy. I'm starting to think that's what I want to use in our closets! It would give some glam to the space!

I use boot trays for the obvious reason- keep the dirt contained, but also as a way to organize by person. Years ago a friend gave us 4, and they've come with us through each move. I ended up giving each kid there own, and Paul and I share one. We probably need a 5th, but we'll wait on that! This is hopefully not our "forever" situation haha.

I use my favorite Dollar Tree baskets to hold shoes. I have to clean these out every once in awhile, and Remington's broke, so there's that. Overall they've been a great way to keep track of the many pairs of shoes my kids seem to acquire. I have had these thirty-one bins for a LONG time, and they've become the perfect spot to hold the kid's clean masks.
Since we had everything moved away from the garage doors because the concrete workers needed them open, I decided to give it a good clean up. It probably doesn't look a whole lot different, and that's the BEST part. This system is easy to maintain. That's the whole goal of being organized. You don't want systems that require more time to keep up- you NEED systems that fit with your day to day life.

Want to keep up with all my organization posts? Click on the Organization category at the top of this post, or HERE.